AI-Powered Candidate Sourcing

Enter your job post or profile description, and let NIXZ Source find and rank talent for you, directly access contact details and engage with your matches.

Source talent outside of your network with AI-driven searches.

Show 2.5k results
AI-Powered Search

Automatically find and rank candidates based on your job post or profile description.

Extended Reach

Source profiles beyond your LinkedIn network to expand your talent pool effortlessly.

Direct Engagement

Preview profiles, fetch contact details, and connect with top candidates instantly.

Reduce time-to-hire

Accelerate hiring with intelligent search

Speed up the hiring process by leveraging AI in determining how and who to search for and let NIXZ Source help you highlight talent features that matches with your job description. This efficiency cuts down on manual effort and expertise like boolean- or X-ray searching and reduces the time-to-hire. It allows you faster client fulfillment and the capacity to handle more job openings, enhancing overall productivity.

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Expand your reach

Access candidates beyond your network

Accessing candidates outside your immediate network is now effortless. Powerful search capabilities combined with an up-to-date dataset of profile uncovers talent beyond traditional channels, expanding your candidate pool with a diverse range of profiles. This extended reach not only helps in attracting more clients but also strengthens your agency's competitive position and allows less senior sourcers to be effective in finding matching talent.

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Simplify engagement

Direct contact and team collaboration

Found your best matching candidates? Organise them using shortlists shared with other team members. Our online app provides direct access to contact details and allows for easy engagement, facilitating quick and effective communication. Team collaboration is enhanced with tools that track candidate status and progress, ensuring everyone is on the same page. This integration of shortlisting and direct contact simplifies the recruitment process and boosts team efficiency.

Next generation recruitment

Discover all features

Truly AI-powered search, precise talent matching, precise matching, workflow management, direct contact, and team collaboration. Streamline your recruitment, empower your sourcers & expand your talent pool.

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Powerful sourcing platform

Extending the reach of your sourcers with a large talent network and powerful AI-capabilities.

Access contact details

Direct access to profile contact information and preview of available data.

Integrated with your CRM / ATS

Export profiles directly to your CRM or ATS to streamline vacancy management and workflow efficiency.

Automatic Ranking

Candidates are automatically matched & ranked according to relevance and fit for your job description.

Talent highlighting

Our integrated AI helps you highlight talent features such as matching hard- & soft skills, total working experience, promotions and more.

Team Collaboration

Easy to use and handy features allow you to quickly shortlist matching talent and engage while keeping your team up to date on outreach and progress.

Like to know more?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Our annual plans


€ 79
/ month
Try 14 days for free
Includes 1 seat
Unlimited profiles & searches
50 Contact Credits (Email)
250 Export Credits (CSV, PDF)
Email outreach + AI Templates


€ 99
/ month / seat
Try 14 days for free
Everything Starter, Plus:
Up to 10 seats
Team Collaboration
250 Contact Credits (Email, Phone)
500 Export Credits (CSV, PDF)
Email Support


Contact us
Everything Growth, Plus:
Custom CRM / ATS integration
Custom Contact Credits (Email, Phone)
Usage analytics
Onboarding & Training
Priority Support (Email, Phone)
Free trial, no creditcard required
Cancel anytime
Personal onboarding